Project Reassurance – What is it?!
The care and protection of children is, first and foremost, a family concern. But when teenagers have babies, the consequences are throughout society. Children born to teenage parents are more likely to be of low birth weight and to suffer from inadequate health care, more likely to leave High School without graduating and more likely to be poor, thus perpetuating a cycle of unrealized potential. As the signature international program for Sigma Gamma Rho, Project Reassurance was originally developed to provide health education, support and nurturing for expectant teen mothers and teens who are parents. The project has now evolved to focus more on Healthy Choices, Healthy Living and Healthy Generations (H3) to help reduce teen pregnancy through a comprehensive year round program addressing the factors that lead to teen pregnancy – low self-esteem,
diet and economic issues – while also providing support and guidance when it does occur.
diet and economic issues – while also providing support and guidance when it does occur.