Industry professionals guarantee to read every word and page of your script. The read-through and confidential scoring of your script is measured against today’s professional screenwriting standards. Every entrant will be granted a virtual reading of their script by our actors. The mission of this contest is to provide aspiring screenwriters with industry-level analysis of their shorts.
2023 Deadlines
April 29th
May 19th
June 10th
Notification Date
June 24th
Virtual Reading of All Selected Scripts
July 8th
Submission Requirements
Less than eight pages | Any Place and Time Setting | Less than four actors |
Dramatic | Faith-Based | Rom-Com |
Silents | Sci-Fi | Comedic |
Scripts are Judged According to These Criteria
Emotional Investment | Marketability | Mechanics |
Length | Synopsis/Pitch | Dialogue |
Conflict | Theme | Pacing |
Structure/Plot | Tone | Concept |
The Winners’ Coach

Winners Receive Coaching On
Crafting a Logline | Writing Robust Treatments | Character Development |
Plot and Outline | Writing Great First Drafts | Rewrites |
Budgeting | Creating Great Look books | Creating Show Bibles |
-2022 Winners-
This was not your average contest. Here, there were three top-scoring scripts that won a cash prize and a radio interview with play and screenwriter Nichole M. Palmer, The Creative Midwife. Their entry fee also granted them access to her screenwriting cohort which guaranteed them one year of group coaching on:

3rd Place – Nicole
GENRE: Dramatic
TITLE: Song of Slavery