I represent when you start your life over as a Background Actor return to Principal roles, run into a pandemic, start over again, and become a filmmaker by default. Here you will find the humble beginnings of my Film Producer and UPM skillset as well as my return to Principal roles. At some point, you have to DIY to live your dreams. After years of putting others in front of me, I finally put myself first and lookie-lookie. People can be difficult and breaking up is hard to do. Sometimes you have to stop serving others more than you serve yourself. So, I took a real chance on myself and am having a ball doing so. If I can reinvent myself for the third time, you can too. So what if it is the umpteenth time? Just get it done and see who you are, who you are.
These are the short films from my self-imposed homemade film school. It is where I got my first batch of “bad” films done. I figured one has to get their first batch done to learn what to do and what not to do in the future. That said, here ya’ go!!! I produced 13 short films in six months, mostly with my own money! The films came out pretty good for a rookie who only had an average of $716.98 per film. I’m happy. Why? I know my Season 2 will be better because during this first Adrienne Unae season, I learned the following:
1) Who I can and cannot work with as in who can learn lines, is timely, easy to work with.
2) Who knew how to light and respected my abhorrence of shadows.
3) Who knew their camera equipment and who didn’t annnd
4) How to shoot my own sh%t with my trusty iPad Pro (12.9-inch) when the camera operator is a no-show.